That said, i will tell you how to integrate the S60 SDK into netbeans.
1. Goto Tools-->Platform Manager and click on the "Add Platform" button.

2. Select "Java Micro Edition Platform Emulator" in the new dialog box and click on "Next".

3. If the IDE is unable to locate the S60 platform folders, click on "Find More Java ME Platform Folders..." button and point it to the location where you have installed the SDK.

4. Click on Next. It will detect the installed platforms. Click on Finish and we are done. Close the Java Platform Manager.
Now, go to File-->New Project. Select "Mobile" on the left pane and "Mobile Application" on the right pane. Give it a name. On the next screen click on the "Emulator Platform" combo box and you will be able to see the installed emulators.

Thats it! we are done. You are up and ready to build beautiful applications for MIDP phones in just 4 steps :)